Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thrsday, July 17, 2008, around 1:45 a.m.

I can already tell that I'm going to enjoy blogging.
It's way early in the morning, and I'm hoping that the clacking of the keys won't wake up my parents or brother. I also have a sister, more on her later, but she's away at camp this week. I think sometimes about the meaning of life. This subject reminds me of that old Disney Channel cartoon I used to watch sometime. There was a small naked mole rat names Rufus that belonged to Kim Possible's best friend, Ron. [This show was disappointing because towards the end she ended up with her best friend as her love interest. Why can't girls an guys stay friends, no love or sex involved?] Anyway, Rufus was once asked by a giant naked mole rat what the meaning of life was. Rufus replied "Cheese!". I think this is funny. How many people out there think that the only reason we are alive is to bask in the pleasures of the world? How many think that we, as humans, are freaks of nature, have no purpose or "meaning to life" and should go through doing whatever feels good? I, for one, am not one of those people. I believe everyone has been put here by our maker to serve a purpose, whether we believe so or not. Maybe you completely ignore that purpose and go and party all night long, but I think that God still uses you in some way. Maybe to influence another person, maybe to set into action events that are somehow glorifying to Him. As for those who constantly pray and seek his direction, we are used in a larger way. That is the meaning of life. To glorify God and fulfill the purpose that we have been put on this Earth for.
For some reason this reminds me of predestination. I have a friend who disagrees with her husband about this, I've been told to the point where they are both so set in there ways that neither can approach the subject with the other. Predestination, according to, is : the doctrine that God in consequence of his foreknowledge of all events infallibly guides those who are destined for salvation. Or in more simple choices of words, the idea that God chose a long time ago who will go to heaven. That we never have to worry about living our lives according to his word, we'll go to heaven or hell regardless. That works out well for say, atheists, but not well for Christians. I personally can see how this would make sense because God knows all. However, this is the way I look at it. God gives us the Bible as an instruction manual for life. We are to follow it, because it is how He talks to us. If we do well in his eyes, accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and ask forgiveness for our sins, we will go into heaven. We have been given free will, we make the choice about where our soul goes after our physical deaths. But hang in there, this is where the "God knows all" concept [well, it isn't really a concept, but you get what I mean] comes in. He already knows the choices we will make, and where we end up staying for all of our eternity. He knows, and has prepared our place in heaven [help me out, I can't think of what verse that is]. All we have to do is make the choice. Give ourselves completely over to him [which, admittedly, isn't something that I have totally accomplished yet] and suffer for fifty, sixty, seventy years; or take the risk and do what we want, basking in the pleasures of the world, and go to Hell for eternity? I'm not condemning anyone. Just.. think about it.

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